Based upon the realization that many of our residents need assistance with daily tasks and, if that assistance was available on-site, residents could live independently, CompassionCare was established in 2011. CompassionCare provides resident-centered care to those residents who choose to receive services allowing them to remain in their homes as long as possible.
As the seniors in our country struggle to find affordable housing and affordable health services, CompassionCare is proud to offer a solution.
Like our sister company, The Schuett Companies, we subscribe to the philosophy contained in How Full is Your Bucket? If you wish to receive a copy of How Full is Your Bucket? Let us know.
The staff of CompassionCare look forward to serving you and providing an opportunity for you to receive "Compassion and Care Every Day." For a detailed list of services provided by CompassionCare, please feel free to contact CompassionCare staff directly.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about CompassionCare, we would be proud to be part of your healthy lifestyle! CompassionCare is a licensed home care provider in Minnesota.
Whether you are just looking for occasional help or the county has recommended our services, our goal is to provide our services with compassion and care every day.
Some of the services we offer include:
Personal Laundry and Linen help
Meal Preparation
Assistance with Personal Hygiene, Bathing and Grooming
Medication Administration/Assistance
Well Checks
Transportation and many options of personal care.
“CompassionCare is a good thing to have, with my family being so far away it’s always nice to know compassion care is here to check in on me and help me with what I need. My family is also glad CompassionCare is here for me.”
“CompassionCare staff make me comfortable and they uphold their confidentiality. I can talk to CompassionCare staff and they are always there to listen and I feel comfortable to confide in them”
“I would not be able to be on my own if it wasn’t for CompassionCare! I just love all the staff! So comforting to know they are here 24hours a day.”
“Without CompassionCare I would not be living here”. “They provide services and care that I would not or could not receive anywhere else. The help they have working here are all so wonderful”